アートは誰が描いたかは重要ではない - Poster Drops

It doesn't matter who made the art

essence of art

Art is a powerful means of evoking emotions, profoundly changing the way we think about ourselves, others, and the world at large. But often we tend to focus more on the artist behind the work than on the work itself. An important question then arises. “Does art really matter who drew it?”

writer's influence

It has often been assumed that the work of a well-known artist is enhanced by having the artist's name attached to the work. But the argument here is that the perception does not reflect the full truth.

Relationship between art and audience

A work of art is also a blank canvas onto which the audience projects their experiences and emotions. It interacts directly with the audience's own sensibilities, regardless of the author's name or history.


The true value of art lies not in who made it, but in how we feel and react to it. That's the essence of art, and Poster Drops believes deeply in that idea.

The emotions, thoughts and reactions that the audience feels to the work are what matter most. That's why at Poster Drops, we focus on letting the work speak for itself, not the artist's name. The art we offer is a unique palette that speaks directly to the sensibilities of the audience.
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